I may of mentioned one of my other websites one or two times before, but today I have got Linux Links up and running!
Its over at linux-links.co.uk
It is dedicated to links to all things Linux related, and is in its infancy!
It is a website full of links to Linx related articles and websites, which are all browseable by tags for ease of use
What you see is basically the fully working website, it still needs a few tweaks to get it running smoothly, but its all there and functioning. Well, apart from the admin section! Lol!
I need to add a couple more sections, like a news section, and add some extra functionality to it, such as search, rating, and popularity!
I am also thinking of adding a user section, so that visitors can add their own Linux links to the database.
And I’ve still got about another 70 links to add from the old site.
So why not head on over and tell me what you think of it!