Update RSSread to 1.5

RSSread 1.5 fixes a couple of bugs that were discovered by Luis.

Some links in the feed weren’t being parsed correctly if they included a “&” (&) character.
This only becomes apparent if the value of the tag is not wrapped in a <![CDATA[]]> tag.
This is due to the way xml_parse() handles special characters like “&” (&)

I have also fixed a couple of bugs that might occur for the other tags.

You can download the updated version from:

Instructions for updating your version of RSSread can be found in this post here

Theory Test Booked!

That just about sums it up…!

Its book for Friday 12th of May at 9.30am.
I tried to get a Monday slot, but they were all taken, so I took the next available morning slot.

Thats It.

14th Lesson

I just got back, so I’m not late in posting this 😉

We drove out of Bristol, and on to Nailsea, and Backwell, along a dual-carriageway. I got into 5th gear! hehe. highest speed i got to: about 65mph (105km/h) – it was a dual-carriageway way.

Did a couple of turns in the road, and a left reverse. And just drove around.
The lesson started at 9am, and we stop in an industrial estate at about 9.50am.

I’m also going to book my theory test, I’ve got 1/2 an hour before I got to get ready to go to work.

Till next time

Late update – Lesson 12a

Hehe, couldn’t resist the “12a”

It Good Friday, and I’m writing about Mondays lesson, which went alright!

By “alright” i mean, i just have to improve on my speed up to junctions and polish off a couple more areas and then i can put in for my test! Yikes!

I haven’t even booked my Theory test yet, it will have to be Tuesday now.

Thats it!
Next lesson Wednesday 9am

Long over due update

Oh, um! No updates for a couple of weeks, naughty, naughty!

My instructor got his new car on the 27th March, and I was one of the first to drive it!
For me, that was one of the worst weeks, I know it was a new car, but that was no excuse.
A car is a car, and the rules of the road still apply no matter what car you drive.
Just to clarify, I was stalling, going up to junctions too fast, oh the mistakes I made!

-Time To Move On-
During that same week when I came home from work, dad told me that he had put me on his insurance, so that I can get some practice in a car without dual-control.
The insurance runs out in the last week of April, so it was only £65 to add me.
The papers to confirm it arrived on April the first (no jokes please!)

That same day I went out with dad and the L plates, and got in three hours of driving.
It was before I went to work, so I took my uniform, so that we didn’t have to go back home.
Left house about 10:15am, arrived at Asda about 1:00pm.

-The Next Driving Lesson-
I was much better!
I was use to the car, and only stalled a couple of times, I can’t remember why now – it was a week ago!
We also drove further along the Portway past Sylvan Way and turned off onto Bridge Valley Road (just before the suspension bridge). Its a really sharp turn, and quite a steep hill.

-Since Then…-
Ive had a bit more practice driving dads car, so I should be much better tomorrow

Till then
See ya

Update RSSread to 1.4

RSSread 1.4 fixes a bug that effects the layout of posts when viewed with no shortening

It is down to a little spelling mistake, that I haven’t noticed before now.
In three places i used “nr” instead of “rn” which caused single new lines not to show up, whereas double new lines (or more) would not display the proper number of new lines.

In this release another bug is fixed in posts when viewed with shortening enabled.
This bug only became apparent when the previous bug was fixed, and it is to do with some of the for loops in the shortenPost() function.

You can download the updated version from:

Rename your original rss_read.class.php as something else, for example old_rss_read.class.php and then extract the new rss_read.class.php file into the same folder.
You will now need to open both files in a text editor of your choice, and start copying any of the variables that you changed from the old file into the new one.
Now save the new file and close the text editor.
Browse to the page that includes/uses RSSread to verify that your settings are still the same.
Weldone, you have now updated RSSread, and moved all of your settings over to the new version.
If there are any differences, you will need to double check that the variables in the new file have been over writen with the variables from the old file.