New Web Hosting

This is the first proper post on my blog since December 2009, or May 2018 if you count the recipes posts I imported from a separate blog earlier this year.

After 14 years of hosting with Hostgator I got fed up with the sky high renewal fees of 172 USD, about 150 GBP not including the currency exchange fee from the bank.

Last year after I renewed the hosting with Hostgator I decided that would be the last time and that I would find hosting someplace else. That gave me a year to sort out my blogs and other websites I run.

With a new resolve, and a deadline, I started by reorganising my blogs. The first thing I did was to get rid of the recipes blog and import the posts into the main blog. I then moved the JavaScript section from the main blog onto a new site.

Next I started working on Linux Links. I had originally built the site from scratch but now I wanted to move it into WordPress. The first task was to export the data and import it in to WordPress, which to be honest was quite easy! The next step was to get the new site running exactly like the old one but by using WordPress functions.

To be honest I haven’t quite finished Linux Links, the front end works as I intend, but I still have to finish off an admin section I added.

With the change to a new host I could also publish a new site, Bristol’s Lost Pubs, I had been working on this for a couple of years after the original site closed down.

Here is a list of all of my sites.

And with that my new hosting is OVH. Welcome.

Orange and Pepper Marmalde

This recipe was thought up when I had a mad thought while picking the pepper we had grown. I found a few recipes on the internet, and I vaguely followed one of them.

Unfortunately it didn’t set, so I emptied the jars out, added a little extra sugar, water and lemon juice and added a sachet of pectin. This time it did set (just!)

Next time I’ll probably add lemon rind to the mix, and more sugar.

Continue reading Orange and Pepper Marmalde

Christmas is Over!

It’s official, Christmas is over! I have seen the first Easter eggs!

I had thought they wouldn’t appear until Boxing Day, but no, it was today!

I had also thought it would be Cadbury Creme Eggs, but no, it was Cadbury Mini Eggs, and later on in the day Cadbury Caramel Bunnies and Maltesers Bunnies also made an appearance!

What’s next!