I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry about that, I got carried away!

I got six minors, its not brilliant, but it is a pass, and much better than what i got on my mock (a fail with 11 minors and one serious).

The day didn’t start out too well, as one of the rear indicators was broken, and my driving instructor drove away from the house, and found a garage on southmead road.

The two show me, tell me questions I had were, where is the brake fluid, and turn on the indicators.

I got no minors in the two manoeuvres, turn in the road, and left reverse.
a minor on control, gears, one on moving off safely, two for mirrors for change of direction, and one for change of speed, and one minor for use of speed.

WooHoo, time to get a car 😀

Its not a bomb!

Would you believe it, but that unexploded World War 2 bomb that some builders found 11 meters down is actually just some reinforced concrete.

Part of Broadmead was closed from Wednesday to Friday, causing traffic problems, and it was just a piece of concrete. 😆

Here is the links to the original story:

The strange behaviour of customers…

I was on the checkouts queue-busting today, and I started chatting to a customer who was buying a load of apples.

He said that he fills balloons up with the apple seeds, and then blows them up with helium, and then lets them go.
Then when they reach 15,000 feet the balloon pops and spreads the seeds.

I let him ramble on as he was saying he is responsible for something like 80,000 odd apple trees, and that there is about 12 seeds per apple, and how one night he left the helium on by accident, and how he has started to make cider out of the apples. blah, blah, blah.

That got me thinking. What are his chances that the balloons pop? That the seeds are spread over land? or water? and how many of them actually germinate?

If two thirds of the Earth is water, then about 25,000 apple seeds reach terra-firma.
Lets round that down to 20,000 to account for balloons not bursting.
At worst 1% of the apple seeds will germinate, at best 100% will germinate.

So if 50% actually germinate then that is 10,000 new apple trees. Only a 1 in 8, or 12.5% success rate.

Poor bloke….

And then I stumbled across this site: http://www.pathtofreedom.com/pathproject/gardening/seedballs.shtml


Ive just brought number 958 from onethousandpaintings.com

When i brought the number there was about 330 numbers sold, the last time i looked on the site the number brought had gone up to about 425.
When i first came across the site about 2/3 days ago only 75 had been sold.

I’m not sure where to hang it yet. I’ll just have to wait till i have got it before hanging it up!
I’ll post some pictures when i receive it

Theory Test

I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got 35/35 for the multiple choice and 51/75 for the hazard perception

The test was booked for 9:30 and I got there about 9:00. I started the test at 9:15 and finished it at about 10:00

Next step the driving test!

Lesson #17

Went up to Cribbs Causeway and drove around doing about 4 or 5 circuits of the roads around the mall practicing roundabouts.

Then we went to the Tesco in Redland to practice bay parking.
I got it right first time (again!)
My Instructor said that I was the only one of his students to get bay parking right every time.

I’m so good….Yay!

Theory test friday…woohoo! (sarcastic!)
Im still practicing my theory, and hazard.
I know i will do good on the theory, im just not so sure about my hazard

Any way…
Next update friday

Happy Birthday to Me…21 Today

Well, its my 21st birthday today.

I am typing this sitting in my new executive chair, with my new digital camera charging on top of the printer, I’m drinking a cold Larger left over from Christmas and my new t-shirts (4 of them) are in a pile on the bed.
I also got a road atlas of the UK, six cards and £45.

Going out for a meal with the family later tonight

See ya!

Lesson 15/16

The same old thing happened!
I drove around, practicing manoeuvers.

Today (3rd May) drove down the Portway past @Bristol and then up park street, after that I’m not sure, but we did up going through Westbury and Southmead.

Did three or four turns in the road at the Downs. I also did a couple of left reverses and a parallel park.

Theory test next week, I’m doing a test run on Friday to see how long it will take me to get to the test centre.

Update RSSread to 1.5

RSSread 1.5 fixes a couple of bugs that were discovered by Luis.

Some links in the feed weren’t being parsed correctly if they included a “&” (&) character.
This only becomes apparent if the value of the tag is not wrapped in a <![CDATA[]]> tag.
This is due to the way xml_parse() handles special characters like “&” (&)

I have also fixed a couple of bugs that might occur for the other tags.

You can download the updated version from:

Instructions for updating your version of RSSread can be found in this post here