The night after the night before!

This is the first night/day after the last day of working nights

We finished working at 6am, and went to bed as soon as I got home. Woke up about 2pm, and I was feeling tired all day.
I was also feeling tired all evening, but for the past hour or two I’ve felt wide awake!

I’ve done a little bit of work on my website and blog, and have added a few touches to my Linux site, I’m now going to try and get some sleep tonight!

I’ll post again sometime this weekend!
Till then

Good night!

Getting ready for nights! Part 2

Right then, 24 hours on from my last post, bar an hour! And I have now been awake all night.

I went to sleep at 4:30pm ish, and I think I managed at least four to five hours sleep
I have now been up since 10:00pm yesterday, Saturday, is it really Sunday already!?

One side effect that I have had with getting up at 4:00am is that I have been hungry all day.
I had a Chinese when I woke up at 10:00pm and all night, or should it really be morning, my stomach has been rumbling!

Lets just hope that I can manage to sleep tomorrow, damn today!

Ill post again sometime today/tomorrow, which everyone comes first, cause I’m slightly tired and now very confused about dates!

Till then, sleep well!

15 Minutes before bedtime!

I’ve been working on my website all day, and I have managed to almost finish three out of my list of seven things to work on my website.

If any of you were lucky enough to be visiting my website more than five minutes ago then you would of seen “(new)” at the end of the title of every web page. That is because I have replaced the PHP classes I have used to create the site layout with three simple includes. There is only one part left to go and that is the blog, but thats next!

The next two changes are on the homepage.
One, I have got rid of the “Whats New” section.
And two, I have replaced my RSSread PHP program with some PHP to include the latest blog entries straight from the database!

I’ll post more details about changes as and when I complete them!
Till next time, see you!

Five minutes left till bedtime now, and the subscriptions plugin is working, but it sends an email even if I edit a post!

Getting ready for nights!

From Sunday I will be working from 9pm to 9am for the next four days. This is to help with the refit that is going on at the moment.

It is 5 o’clock in the morning and I’ve been up for and hour now! I’m going to be going back to sleep, if thats possible, at 4pm and then waking up again at 10pm so that I can then hopefully stay awake all night!

I will be taking this free time as a chance to update my website as I have a list of tweaks and fixes to do.
One of them is a subscription to this blog so that casual visitors and readers can receive emails when I finally write a new post!

I have already added the plugin, subscribe2, to wordpress, and now I’m just testing it out with this post!

I’ll post again tomorrow night.
Until then, stay awake!